
also known as rubber Learn more about also known as rubber

  • Rubber tree cultivation maintenance rubber tree is green leaves look better

    Rubber tree cultivation maintenance rubber tree is green leaves look better

    Mosaic rubber tree also known as color leaf rubber tree. A horticultural variety of rubber trees. Leaves ca. 30 cm long, long ovate, dark green, leathery, glossy. Leaves have yellow and white stripes and spots, back light green, whole plant has milk....

  • Cat shit melon also known as cat shit, ghost fingers, cat shit tube is a nutritious wild fruit

    Cat shit melon also known as cat shit, ghost fingers, cat shit tube is a nutritious wild fruit

    Cat feces melon cat feces melon, also known as cat feces, ghost fingers, cat feces tube, Akebia cat feces melon is a deciduous shrub plant, up to 5 meters. It is distributed in the mountains of Qinling Mountains and Bashan Mountains. It is called Bazhong in Sichuan Province, Wanzhou in Chongqing, Enshi in Hubei Province, etc.

  • What are the key points for the conservation of rubber trees (Indian rubber trees)

    What are the key points for the conservation of rubber trees (Indian rubber trees)

    Rubber tree (Indian rubber tree) scientific name: ficuselastica alias: Indian rubber tree, Indian banyan big leaf green, red Burmese tree, red mouth rubber tree, Indian banyan family: Moraceae, banyan origin distribution: Indonesia, India, Malaysia. Key points of conservation: evergreen Arbor

  • Can rubber trees be raised in the bedroom?

    Can rubber trees be raised in the bedroom?

    Rubber tree is a famous shade-tolerant foliage plant, a large tree of the genus Ficus of Moraceae, also known as rubber tree, Brazilian rubber, etc., which has high ornamental value and is very suitable for indoor beautification arrangement. Potted plants are good materials for decorating guest halls and family rooms. The south is often placed in front of the building, in the center of the flower bed and on both sides of the road.

  • Can the latest rubber tree be put in the bedroom?

    Can the latest rubber tree be put in the bedroom?

    Rubber tree is a famous shade-tolerant foliage plant, a large tree of the genus Ficus of Moraceae, also known as rubber tree, Brazilian rubber and so on. It has high ornamental value and is very suitable for indoor beautification. Potted plants are good materials for decorating guest halls and family rooms. The south is often placed in front of the building.

    2020-11-10 The latest eraser tree can put bedroom Mo yes famous
  • Attractive flowers-- rubber purple jasmine

    Attractive flowers-- rubber purple jasmine

    Rubber purple jasmine, commonly known as rubber vine, is a woody perennial vine, is native to southwestern Madagascar. It is also a prominent weed in northern Australia and has been introduced into most other tropical and subtropical regions.

  • Culture methods of rubber trees

    Culture methods of rubber trees

    Rubber tree, also known as Indian banyan, Indian rubber, thick leaves, high degree of appreciation. A lot of people don't know how to plant. Today, I will tell you about the planting techniques of rubber trees. The soil rubber tree is adaptable to the soil and likes loose and fertile rot.

  • The healthy flowers and plants that purify the air, the rubber tree that helps the air in the living room.

    The healthy flowers and plants that purify the air, the rubber tree that helps the air in the living room.

    Clean air healthy flowers and plants "bedroom air good helper" rubber tree, also known as Indian banyan, Indian rubber. Common varieties are flower-leaf rubber tree, Phnom Penh rubber tree, white-spotted rubber tree, Venus broad-leaf rubber tree, the picture shows oak.

  • How much is a rubber tree on the market? Will it blossom? Where should I grow fengshui?

    How much is a rubber tree on the market? Will it blossom? Where should I grow fengshui?

    Rubber tree, also known as rubber tree, Brazilian rubber, is an evergreen tree of the genus Ficus of Moraceae. It has high ornamental value and is a famous potted foliage plant. So, how much is a rubber tree on the market? Will it blossom? Where should I grow fengshui? 1. Oak on the market

    2020-11-09 City face rubber tree price more less money one will blossom
  • What is the latest rubber tree?

    What is the latest rubber tree?

    Rubber tree is a famous potted foliage plant, also known as Indian rubber tree, Indian banyan big leaf green, red Burma tree, red mouth rubber tree and so on. It is a large tree of the genus Ficus of Moraceae, with high ornamental value and is very suitable for indoor beautification. Small and medium-sized plants are often used to beautify living rooms and books.

    2020-11-10 The latest eraser tree what is it yes famous
  • What if the leaves of the latest rubber tree droop?

    What if the leaves of the latest rubber tree droop?

    Rubber tree is a famous potted foliage plant, also known as Indian rubber tree, Indian banyan big leaf green, red-billed rubber tree, etc., is an evergreen tree of the genus Ficus mulberry, suitable for indoor beautification, small and medium-sized plants are often used to beautify the living room and study, medium and large plants are suitable for layout in

    2020-11-10 The latest eraser tree leaf droop how to do yes
  • The latest rubber tree culture methods and matters needing attention

    The latest rubber tree culture methods and matters needing attention

    Rubber tree, also known as Indian banyan, is a kind of tree, which mostly exists in the form of potted plant in our country. Rubber tree now has a large cultivated area in China, and its ornamental value is very high. And the rubber tree also produces hard rubber, which has a certain degree of classics.

    2020-11-10 The latest rubber trees farming methods and precautions erasers
  • Can rubber trees be raised by water? Hydroponic culture methods and key points of maintenance of rubber trees

    Can rubber trees be raised by water? Hydroponic culture methods and key points of maintenance of rubber trees

    Rubber trees are famous potted foliage plants, also known as rubber trees, Brazilian rubber, etc., they are big trees of the genus Ficus of Moraceae. Many of them do not know whether rubber trees can be hydroponically cultured or not. In fact, the hydroponic culture method of rubber trees is very simple and does not require tedious steps. Easy steps to do it.

  • The pruning method of the latest rubber tree

    The pruning method of the latest rubber tree

    Rubber tree, also known as rubber tree, Brazilian rubber, etc., is a large tree of the genus Ficus of Moraceae, native to Brazil, and is now widely cultivated in tropical Asia. It is of high ornamental value and is very suitable for indoor beautification. Small and medium-sized plants are often used to beautify the living room and study. Medium and large plants

    2020-11-10 The latest rubber tree pruning method eraser alias
  • Culture methods and matters needing attention of the latest rubber trees

    Culture methods and matters needing attention of the latest rubber trees

    Rubber tree is a famous potted foliage plant, also known as rubber tree, Brazilian rubber, etc., which is a large tree of the genus Ficus of Moraceae. It has high ornamental value and is very suitable for indoor beautification. Small and medium-sized plants are often used to beautify the living room and study. Medium and large plants are suitable for large-scale layout.

    2020-11-10 The latest rubber trees farming methods and precautions erasers
  • How to raise the latest potted rubber tree?

    How to raise the latest potted rubber tree?

    Rubber tree is a large tree plant of the genus Ficus of Moraceae, also known as rubber tree, Brazilian rubber, etc., with high ornamental value. It is a famous potted foliage plant, which is very suitable for indoor beautification. Small and medium-sized plants are often used to beautify the living room and study. Medium and large plants are suitable for layout in

    2020-11-10 The latest potted plant rubber tree how raise yes mulberry
  • How to raise the latest Black King Kong rubber tree?

    How to raise the latest Black King Kong rubber tree?

    Black King Kong rubber tree, also known as Indian rubber tree, rubber tree, etc., originated in India and Malaysia and other places, and now there are many cultivation in various parts of our country. It is a common ornamental tree and street tree in the garden, which is very suitable for indoor beautification. Small and medium-sized plants are often used to beautify the living room and study

    2020-11-10 The latest black King Kong rubber tree how raise eraser
  • Propagation and cultivation of Rubber Tree

    Propagation and cultivation of Rubber Tree

    Rubber tree, also known as Indian rubber tree, gum banyan, is Moraceae, banyan evergreen trees. The tree is tall and strong, with a height of up to 30 meters. Leaf blade large, oval, leathery, shiny, densely alternate. Because the petiole is small and the leaf is slightly drooping, it is also called vertical leaf rubber. Common varieties are: Phnom Penh rubber tree

  • Maintenance methods of family potted rubber trees

    Maintenance methods of family potted rubber trees

    Rubber tree, also known as Indian yong, Indian rubber tree, is an evergreen tree of Moraceae. The leaves are beautiful and glossy, and they are famous potted foliage plants. Rubber tree is native to India and Malaysia, and now it is cultivated in many parts of our country. Sex likes a warm, humid, sunny environment, but also slightly shade-resistant, not cold-resistant. Rich and loose soil is required.

  • How to raise indoor potted black King Kong rubber tree?

    How to raise indoor potted black King Kong rubber tree?

    Black King Kong rubber tree, also known as Indian rubber tree, rubber tree, etc., originated in India and Malaysia and other places, and now there are many cultivation in various parts of our country. It is a common ornamental tree and street tree in the garden, which is very suitable for indoor beautification. Small and medium-sized plants are often used to beautify the living room and study
